We at CMH Nissan Durban do not see you as a customer, but rather as our family. And with family, your safety is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, we believe sharing this helpful information would be beneficial to you and your loved ones.
It is always important to put your safety first and at CMH Nissan Durban we always want what is best for you. One of the best and easiest ways to put your safety first is by adding Smash and Grab film to your vehicle. Smash and Grab film is a tinted, protective film that is placed on your car windows.

If you are unsure of whether you need it or not – here are 5 reasons as to why you need to instill Smash and Grab film on your vehicle:
- The tint on the film restricts people from being able to see into your vehicle, thus avoiding your valuables from being noticeable to a passerby.
- The protective film assists in avoiding the window from being shattered. Should you find yourself in a smash and grab incident, should you have smash and gran film installed, your windows will not get shattered allowing you to drive away safely and unharmed.
- Should you be involved in a side impact accident, it could assist in protecting your passengers from being hit by glass splinters.
- Reduce your risk of skin cancer the film rejects 99% of the sun’s harmful UV Rays, this also benefits your vehicle by avoiding fading and cracking of your dashboard.
- Smash and Grab film also helps maintain calm and cool air in your car resulting in a more comfortable ride in the scorching eat and reducing the load on your aircon which ultimately leads to you saving on fuel!

Taking all this into account, you can protect your family by having Smash and Grab fitted on your vehicle. To find out more contact us on 0877249330 or visit us at 115 Monty Naicker Street Durban, and our team will be glad to assist you.