- Tyres
- Balancing
- Alignment
- Aircon Regas
- Fuel System clean
- Accessory fitment
- Courtesy bus for pickups and drop offs
- A coffee lounge
Why service your vehicle with us?
Maintaining Vehicle Value
The second-hand market is always competitive, with buyers expecting more for their money. A car with evidence of regular servicing or even better a full service history – is likely to attract more potential buyers and a higher selling priceSafety
regular servicing can help to identify potential problems before they become real ones. Servicing will make sure that essential checks are carried out to critical vehicle components such as your braking system and suspension to make sure that these vital parts don’t let you down when you need them most. Regular servicing provides peace of mind that the vehicle is in roadworthy condition. Just because a car feels ok, it doesn’t automatically mean all is working as well as it should be- Coffee room
- Bernie and the technicians
- Our courtesy bus
- Service dept front desk staff
- Bernie at his desk
- Coffee room front view