Dangers of Driving While Distracted
In recent years, more and more people have become distracted while driving, and the number of cell phone addicts has doubled. As a result, DWD has surpassed drunk driving and speeding to become the leading roadway threat.

Would you get behind the wheel when your Blood Alcohol Concentration is over the legal limit? If you answered no, would you still answer no when asked if you would use your cell phone behind the wheel?
A study revealed that cell phone addicts are spending three times more of their drive time on their cell phones and spend 28% of drive time ignoring the roads. To place this in context a cell phone addict is someone who spends more than 10% of their time on the phone while driving.

Some information revealed by the study:
- While people know that DWD is a major problem, it does not concern them enough to change their behaviour.
- Cell phone addicts are on the road 1.5 times more than other drivers.
- 93% of cell phone addicts classify themselves as ‘pretty safe’ or ‘extremely safe’ drivers.
- While 90% of drivers claim to be safe drivers, 47% of these drivers admit to using their phones and driving 10% more often.

Driving while distracted is becoming a bigger problem but is receiving less cognisance of how dangerous and reckless it is. As if being told that distracted driving is dangerous is not enough to motivate you to keep your phone out of your hand while driving. If you are using your cell phone in the car, whatever the reason, give yourself the reminder you need to stop this behaviour before it’s too late.
The staff at CMH Nissan Hillcrest urge road users to play their part in keeping roads safe.

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