Some symbols on your car’s dashboard are more obvious than others. However, it is important to know exactly what each of the symbols mean in case you need to pull over and call for help. At CMH Nissan Midrand, your safety is our No. 1 priority. That is why we are breaking down your dashboard, symbol by symbol. Imagine, you are driving along the freeway, enjoying the views, and suddenly, you hear a beep—you look down, and a symbol appears on your dashboard. You start to wonder what could be wrong.

This old-fashioned oil can image indicates that there is an issue with your car’s oil pressure system. Either you are running low on oil or your oil pump is not circulating enough fluid to properly lubricate the surfaces inside your vehicle. This should be addressed as soon as possible, as your engine can wear quickly without proper lubrication.

If you see this symbol pop up, it means that your engine is overheated. This most likely has to do with your coolant (also called antifreeze), but it can happen for a variety of reasons. It is important to address this immediately, to avoid further damage.

If this “ABS” warning lights up while you are driving, it means that something is wrong with the system. As you know, your anti-lock brakes work to keep your car in contact with the road safely, so it is important to diagnose the issue as soon as possible. Keep in mind, every time you turn on your vehicle, the system does a self-check, and may light up for just a few seconds. If it goes away immediately, your system is in working order.

Your check engine light may appear for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it can indicate a serious issue and require you to pull over immediately. This could indicate low oil pressure or overheating. Other times, this light will appear if your gas cap is open, loose, or cracked, causing fuel to evaporate. If this light appears, it is wise to pull over and check your gas cap and other systems in your vehicle. If it is flashing, you should stop driving! In most vehicles, a flashing check engine light signals that you have a serious problem that could cause serious damage if ignored.

This symbol is simply reminding you or your passenger to buckle up! According to Arrive Alive SA, seat belts decrease serious crash-related injuries by about 50%.

Imitating the motion of your windshield wipers, this symbol means that you are low on washer fluid. You will want to fill up the reservoir with fluid as soon as you can.
Keep in mind that every car is different, so the symbols on your dashboard may vary slightly from the 6 we have mentioned. If in doubt, consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual!